lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

The economic interests are sinking the journalism

In this essay we going to talk about the mass media and the objectivity. In addition, We will talk about who are the owners of this mass media. We will answer to the next questions:

-Do you think that the media is objective? Why or why not?

-Do you think that most newspapers print what's really important, or what will make them sell more newspapers? Give examples.
- Who owns the newspapers and TV stations in your country? Do you think this has an effect on the news that you hear?

The first questions about the objetivity in the mass media is clear. In my opinion don´t exist the objetivity because when we write a news, a chronicle or other article, the journalists are subjetive. In general, the mass media are subjetive because are owned by a private company. A few journalists are objetives in Spain, however, to be objetive isn´t bad.

About the second questions, the mass media in Spain are owned by private companies and, other medias, by public companies, for example TVE. In the private’s mass media, the newspaper publish the articles that are interesting for his company. In the public mass media publish all types of news. For example, the newspaper EL PAÍS, whose owner is PRISA doesn’t publish news that harms his company. The newspapers are only interested in selling your product. A few newspapers use quality in its pages.

Although the mass media are subject to economic interests, people buy those newspapers that they like and are close to their own ideology.

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